Friday, November 25, 2011

An Incident at Del Taco

Today I went to Del Taco for lunch with Ben and our good friend Clark. I was enjoying a Macho Taco when I swallowed a bite wrong. I had a piece of the Taco shell stuck in my throat. Ben and I both reached for the drink at the same time, he just happened to be thirsty and I was possibly choking to death. Well Ben thinks that I'm just trying to block him from getting a drink and proceeds to fight me for it. While Clark laughs at us being so silly. I can't even explain why I'm fighting so hard for the drink because I'm choking so badly. Anyway Ben eventually gave up and let me have the drink, thank goodness. After I explained to them I was choking and they were like "oh we thought you were just being silly or weird".
This gives me a few things to think about;
First, when I make jokes do my facial expressions resemble that of a person who is choking to death...
Second, maybe I joke around to much. I've been wondering if people take me seriously less often than not.
Thirdly, I've decided that the $1.50 Ben and I save by sharing a drink may not be worth it... meh I'm probably still to cheep to buy two drinks.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Maybe, we got a dog.

Last February Ben and I were gifted a Great Dane puppy from his Dad. She came with the name Sola May and we tweaked that into Maybe. She has been a joy! I love taking her for walks, so much so that the other day one of our neighbors asked Ben about his Dog walker! ha. She's super spoiled and I think she knows it. Ben created a twitter account in her name and you should probably check it out, I mean who doesn't want to read tweets from a dogs perspective. Anyway here are some pictures of our baby, I mean Maybe.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

This is it, the month that my wildest dreams come true. I’ve been asking for a remote control helicopter for about a year. Sometimes if you want something done you've got to do it yourself; so I've decided I'm going to buy myself a helicopter for my birthday. She will be mine, oh yes she will be mine!