Monday, April 5, 2010

LDS Rock Star

Totally gave into temptation this morning and bought a Rock Star on the way to work. And what do you think comes up while I’m sitting at my desk indulging myself… The lady who sits next to me who is not LDS starts asking about conference. Hopefully being somewhat of a Jack Mormon makes me more approachable. Thank goodness for repentance, eh. Hope you all had a happy conference weekend. Despite the fact that I’m drinking a Rock Star, I have to say that this conference was very inspiring and uplifting.


  1. Well if drinking a Rockstar is the worst you do...i think your pretty good. Especially since when i was prego all i craved was a rockstar and i couldnt have one and like 3 days after tate popped out i drank like 3 to make up for the 9 months. lol!

  2. I have a feeling God won't punish you too harshly for tipping back a Rockstar. :)

  3. If drinking energy drinks is a sin...them I'm going to hell in a bucket!!!! I love them!
